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癌症报告 的搜索结果
The world has opened its eyes to the threat posed by cancer and other noncommunicable diseases
(NCDs). Realization is growing, in global political circles and in civil society, that these diseases
constitute a major obstacle to human development and well-being.
The United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting o...
http://ecphf.cn:82/Epidemiology-Statistics/2015-02/2686.htm日期:2015-2-7 6:26:21
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was founded by Resolution of the World Health Assembly in September 1965. At this time, although data were sparse, cancer was widely considered to be a disease of westernised, high-resource, industrialised countries. Today the situation has changed dramatically, with the majori...
http://ecphf.cn:82/Epidemiology-Statistics/2014-09/2502.htm日期:2014-9-18 7:41:34
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