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大多数甲状腺肿瘤不需要手术 应当保守处理


[日期:2016-08-24] 来源:UPI/华东公共卫生  作者:华东公共卫生 编译 [字体: ]

大多数甲状腺肿瘤不需要手术 应当保守处理

      Most nodules and tumors on the thyroid should be treated with a wait and see approach, but researchers say doctors are jumping to overdiagnose and overtreat them when found. Photo by CLIPAREA l Custom media/Shutterstock

      LYON, France, Aug. 23 (合众国际社UPI)  最近越来越多的研究者和医生对甲状腺癌这种疾病的过度治疗表示关注,患者为避免低的健康风险反而受到损害。
      IARC的感染和癌症的流行病学研究组的研究员Silvia Franceschi在新闻发布会上说“对甲状腺癌过度的诊疗如甲状腺全切术和其他频繁有害的治疗,如颈淋巴结清扫术和放射治疗等,在提高生存率方面没有好处”。
      国际癌症研究机构的主任Christopher Wild说“在12个国家中超过一半,大约估计一百万的人被过度诊断为甲状腺癌”。甲状腺癌过度诊断和治疗的急剧增加成为许多高收入国家的一个严重的公共卫生问题。在低收入和中等收入国家中也有这样令人担忧的相同趋势和迹象”

LYON, France, Aug. 23 (UPI) -- Increasingly, researchers and doctors are expressing concern about over-treatment of diseases and the possibility patients are being harmed in the interest of avoiding low-risk adverse health conditions, with thyroid cancer being the latest.
Researchers at the World Health Organization say the huge explosion of thyroid cancer diagnoses and treatment is the product of new scanning techniques, but tumors found in most patients during the last two decades do not pose a risk to health.
The WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer found new scanning technologies adopted since the early 1980s such as neck ultrasonography, computed tomography scanning and magnetic resonance imaging have found small tumors and nodules on patients' thyroid glands.
Even when doctors detect what researchers call indolent, non-lethal disease that would be better handled with a wait-and-see approach, they often jump to put patients through difficult, challenging treatment regimens.
Treatment often includes the removal of thyroid glands, requiring patients to take thyroid hormones for the rest of their lives -- as a result of treatment they most likely did not need.
"The majority of the overdiagnosed thyroid cancer cases undergo total thyroidectomy and frequently other harmful treatments, like neck lymph node dissection and radiotherapy, without proven benefits in terms of improved survival," Dr. Silvia Franceschi, a researcher in the IARC's infections and cancer epidemiology group, said in a press release.
According to the study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, most developed countries the IARC looked at as part of its Cancer Incidence in Five Continents study have an overwhelming rate of overdiagnosis of the disease.
The researchers found that between 70 percent and 80 percent of women diagnosed from 2003 to 2007 with thyroid cancer in Australia, France, Italy and the United States should not have been diagnosed with the disease, with the same found for about 50 percent of women in Japan, the Nordic countries, England and Scotland.
For men, the numbers are similar: About 70 percent of cases in France, Italy and the Republic of Korea were overdiagnoses, as were 45 percent of cases in the United States and Australia.
The agency says more research is necessary on the best way to approach the theoretical epidemic of thyroid cancer and how to prevent harming patients with treatment they do not need.
"More than half a million people are estimated to have been overdiagnosed with thyroid cancer in the 12 countries studied," said Dr. Christopher Wild, director of the IARC. "The drastic increase in overdiagnosis and overtreatment of thyroid cancer is already a serious public health concern in many high-income countries, with worrying signs of the same trend in low- and middle-income countries."

 Overdiagnosis is a major driver of the thyroid cancer epidemic:A

 Overdiagnosis is a major driver of the thyroid cancer epidemic:B

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