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阿兹海默症 的搜索结果
Plaques that build up in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients, disrupting and contributing to the death of neurons, may be an immune response to pathogenic infection. This, researchers say, suggest the build-up may be preventable, and as a result the disease may be preventable as well. Photo by Juan Gaertner/Shutterstock
http://ecphf.cn:82/Elderly-Health/2016-05/3617.htm日期:2016-5-27 17:09:15
http://ecphf.cn:82/Elderly-Health/2015-08/3051.htm日期:2015-8-11 20:39:10
http://ecphf.cn:82/Elderly-Health/2015-07/3004.htm日期:2015-7-26 6:45:00
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