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Ginger-based nanoparticles may treat inflammatory bowel disease

[日期:2016-08-18] 来源:UPI/华东公共卫生  作者:华东公共卫生 编译 [字体: ]


      ATLANTA, Aug. 17 (合众国际社 UPI)  摘要_以往的研究表明,除了姜长达数百年的对抗恶心等消化问题外,其化合物6-姜酚和6-姜酚,有效对抗氧化、炎症和肿瘤。
      乔治亚州立大学的研究人员最近发现,姜源颗粒减少炎症和加强修复小鼠的炎症性肠炎(Inflammatory Bowel Disease;IBD),表明它可以用于Crohn氏病和溃疡性结肠炎的治疗。

ATLANTA, Aug. 17 (UPI) -- Ginger is often used for flavor while cooking, as well as to ease nausea, but researchers found nanoparticles derived from the root may have healing effects that ease inflammatory bowel disease, according to a new study.
Researchers at Georgia State University found ginger-derived nanoparticles reduced inflammation and enhanced intestinal repair in mice with IBD-type symptoms, suggesting it could be used for treatment of conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in humans.
Previous studies have shown compounds in ginger, including 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol, are active against oxidation, inflammation and cancer, in addition to ginger's centuries-long use against nausea and other digestion problems.
Researchers at Georgia State have been working to find plant-derived edible nanoparticles for use against disease, according to a press release, and looked toward ginger based on its well-known uses.
For the study, published in the journal Biomaterials, researchers blended ginger in a standard kitchen blender, then used super-high-speed centrifuging and ultrasonic dispersion to break the ginger into single pellets about 230 nanometers in diameter -- more than 300 times smaller than the width of a human hair.
In mice treated with the ginger nano-pellets, the researchers found their colons were efficiently targeted and the nanoparticles were absorbed mainly by cells in the lining of the intestine where IBD occurs. The particles reduced inflammation linked to colitis, as well as colitis-associated cancer.
The ginger also helped in the repair of the intestines, boosting survival and proliferation of healthy cells and lowering proteins that promote inflammation, preventing inflammation and the body's reaction to it.
"Nanoparticles derived from edible ginger, represent a novel, natural delivery mechanism for improving IBD prevention and treatment with an added benefit of overcoming limitations such as potential toxicity and limited production scale that are common with synthetic nanoparticles," the researchers wrote in the study.

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