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Study: Vitamin D may reduce incidence of asthma attacks

[日期:2016-09-07] 来源:UPI/华东公共卫生  作者:华东公共卫生 编译 [字体: ]



      LONDON, Sept. 6(合众国际社UPI)摘要-体内维生素D量低被怀疑为会增加哮喘发作风险,新的研究显示维生素可显著降低某些患者的发病率。
      伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的研究人员Adrian Martineau也警告说“即使在新的研究中看到一些患者的疗效,维生素D不一定是哮喘药物的替代品。我们不希望人们放弃他们的哮喘治疗。并要了解患者体内是否缺乏维生素D”。
      这项研究包括了435名儿童, 658名成年人的两组试验组,进行七项研究,分析了4至12月的数据。这些患者大多有轻度至中度哮喘,所有参与者继续服用他们常用治疗哮喘药物。
      文章发表在Cochrane Library。

LONDON, Sept. 6 (UPI) -- Low levels of vitamin D have been suspected as increasing the risk for asthma attacks, and a new review of studies suggested the vitamin can significantly reduce attacks among some groups of patients.
Vitamin D supplements cut the incidence of asthma attacks requiring hospitalization in half and reduced the need for steroid treatments in some cases, according to the analysis published in The Cochrane Library.
Previous studies have linked low levels of vitamin D in children to higher incidence of severe asthma, however there have not been large trials of supplements to determine its usefulness in the condition.
Even with the efficacy shown among some patients in the new study, researchers involved with the research caution that vitamin D is not necessarily a replacement for asthma medications.
"We don't want people giving up taking their asthma treatment," Dr. Adrian Martineau, a researcher at Queen Mary University of London, told The BBC, adding that he doesn't "think it would be appropriate to just start taking vitamin D without knowing whether you have vitamin D deficiency or not and we don't yet know what the threshold of vitamin D is below which you will have a benefit."
For the study, the researchers identified seven studies with 435 children and two trials with 658 adults in their analysis which ranged from four to 12 months long. Most patients in the studies had mild to moderate asthma, and all participants continued to take their usual asthma medications.
The researchers found that an oral vitamin D supplement reduced the risk of severe asthma attacks requiring hospitalization or emergency treatment from 6 percent to about 3 percent. The analysis also showed the rate of asthma attacks requiring steroid treatment decreased from 0.44 attacks per person per year to 0.28.
With the benefits to severe asthma patients, however, the researchers also note vitamin D did not improve lung function or day-to-day asthma symptoms. Most of the benefit of vitamin D was also seen among adult patients, the researchers report.
"We found that taking a vitamin D supplement in addition to standard asthma treatment significantly reduced the risk of severe asthma attached, without causing side effects," Martineau said in a press release. "This is an exciting result, but some caution is warranted."
He said the fact that most patients in the studies had mild or moderate asthma, that further trials are needed in both children and adults with severe asthma. He said that the relevance of a patient having low vitamin D levels requires more research on whether a supplement could be a viable treatment option.
"Further analyses to investigate this question are on-going, and results should be available in the next few months," Martineau said.

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